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Wellcome to ARS548 SDK
Data Structures | |
struct | SomeIPHeader1stPart |
struct | SomeIPHeader2ndPart |
struct | E2eP07Header |
struct | Ars548Msg |
struct | SomeIPPackage |
struct | Ars548SensorStatusOlder |
struct | Ars548SensorStatus |
struct | Ars548FilterStatusEntry |
struct | Ars548FilterStatus |
struct | Ars548Detection |
struct | Ars548DetectionList |
struct | Ars548Object |
struct | Ars548ObjectList |
struct | Ars548SensorConfiguration |
struct | Ars548FilterConfigEntry |
struct | Ars548FilterConfiguration |
struct | AccelerationLateralCog |
struct | AccelerationLongitudinalCog |
struct | VelocityVehicle |
struct | DrivingDirection |
struct | YawRate |
struct | SteeringAngleFrontAxle |
struct | CharacteristicSpeed |
Struct definitions for ARS548 radar series communication protocol
struct SomeIPHeader1stPart |
struct SomeIPHeader2ndPart |
struct E2eP07Header |
struct Ars548Msg |
struct SomeIPPackage |
Data Fields | |
SomeIPHeader1stPart | header_part1 |
SomeIPHeader2ndPart | header_part2 |
Optional. | |
E2eP07Header | headerE2E |
Optional. | |
Ars548Msg * | pPayload |
struct Ars548SensorStatusOlder |
struct Ars548SensorStatus |
struct Ars548FilterStatusEntry |
struct Ars548FilterStatus |
Data Fields | |
UINT32 | Timestamp_Nanoseconds |
Timestamp Nanoseconds. | |
UINT32 | Timestamp_Seconds |
Timestamp Seconds. | |
UINT8 | Timestamp_SyncStatus |
Timestamp Sync Status. | |
UINT8 | FilterConfigurationCounter |
Counter that counts up if new filter configuration has been received and accepted. | |
UINT8 | DetectionSortIndex |
Detection list sorting index. | |
UINT8 | ObjectSortIndex |
Object list sorting index. | |
Ars548FilterStatusEntry | DetectionFilter [7] |
Detection filter entries (index 1 to 7) | |
Ars548FilterStatusEntry | ObjectFilter [24] |
Object filter entries (index 1 to 24) | |
struct Ars548Detection |
struct Ars548DetectionList |
Data Fields | |
UINT64 | CRC |
Checksum (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | Length |
Len (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | SQC |
SQC (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | DataID |
Data ID (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | Timestamp_Nanoseconds |
Timestamp Nanoseconds. | |
UINT32 | Timestamp_Seconds |
Timestamp Seconds. | |
UINT8 | Timestamp_SyncStatus |
Timestamp Sync Status. | |
UINT32 | EventDataQualifier |
Event Data Qualifier. | |
UINT8 | ExtendedQualifier |
Extended Qualifier. | |
UINT16 | Origin_InvalidFlags |
Sensor Position Invalid flags. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Xpos |
Sensor X Position. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Xstd |
Sensor X Position STD. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Ypos |
Sensor Y Position. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Ystd |
Sensor Y Position STD. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Zpos |
Sensor Z Position. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Zstd |
Sensor Z Position STD. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Roll |
Sensor Roll Angle. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Rollstd |
Sensor Roll Angle STD. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Pitch |
Sensor Pitch Angle. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Pitchstd |
Sensor Pitch Angle STD. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Yaw |
Sensor Yaw Angle. | |
FLOAT32 | Origin_Yawstd |
Sensor Yaw Angle STD. | |
UINT8 | List_InvalidFlags |
Invalid flags. | |
Ars548Detection | Detections [800] |
FLOAT32 | List_RadVelDomain_Min |
Radial Velocity Domain Min. | |
FLOAT32 | List_RadVelDomain_Max |
Radial Velocity Domain Max. | |
UINT32 | List_NumOfDetections |
Number of Detections. | |
FLOAT32 | Aln_AzimuthCorrection |
Azimuth Correction. | |
FLOAT32 | Aln_ElevationCorrection |
Elevation Correction. | |
UINT8 | Aln_Status |
Status of alignment. | |
struct Ars548Object |
struct Ars548ObjectList |
Data Fields | |
UINT64 | CRC |
Checksum (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | Length |
Len (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | SQC |
SQC (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | DataID |
Data ID (E2E Profile 7) | |
UINT32 | Timestamp_Nanoseconds |
Timestamp Nanoseconds. | |
UINT32 | Timestamp_Seconds |
Timestamp Seconds. | |
UINT8 | Timestamp_SyncStatus |
Timestamp Sync Status. | |
UINT32 | EventDataQualifier |
Event Data Qualifier. | |
UINT8 | ExtendedQualifier |
Extended Qualifier. | |
UINT8 | ObjectList_NumOfObjects |
Number of Objects. | |
Ars548Object | Objects [50] |
struct Ars548SensorConfiguration |
struct Ars548FilterConfigEntry |
Data Fields | |
UINT8 | Active |
Flag to activate/deactivate filter (0=Inactive; 1=Active) | |
UINT8 | FilterID |
UINT8 | FilterType |
Filter type (1=Detections; 2=Objects) | |
FLOAT32 | MinimumValue |
Minimum data value to pass the filter. | |
FLOAT32 | MaximumValue |
Maximum data value to pass the filter. | |
UINT8 Ars548FilterConfigEntry::FilterID |
Filter data index (1-7 for Detection filters; 1-24 for Object filters)
Detection and objects:
1 = Radial distance (m)
2 = Azimuth (rad)
3 = Elevation (rad)
4 = Oncoming (-) radial velocity (m/s)
5 = Departing (+) radial velocity (m/s)
6 = RCS (dBm²)
7 = Probability of existence (%)
Objects only:
8 = Lifetime (s)
9 = Size (m²)
10 = Longitudinal (x) distance (m)
11 = Lateral (y) distance (m)
12 = Vertical (z) distance (m)
13 = Relative oncoming (-) longitudinal velocity (m/s)
14 = Relative right-left (+) lateral velocity (m/s)
15 = Relative departing (+) longitudinal velocity (m/s)
16 = Relative left-right (-) lateral velocity (m/s)
17 = Car class probability (%)
18 = Truck class probability (%)
19 = Motorcycle class probability (%)
20 = Bicycle class probability (%)
21 = Pedestrian class probability (%)
23 = Hazard class probability (%)
24 = Unknown class probability (%)
struct Ars548FilterConfiguration |
Data Fields | |
UINT8 | DetectionSortIndex |
Detection list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS) | |
UINT8 | ObjectSortIndex |
Object list sorting index (0=None; 1=Range; 2=RCS) | |
UINT8 | FilterReset |
Reset all filters (0=Ignore; 1=Reset) | |
UINT8 | NumberOfFilters |
Number of filters to follow. | |
Ars548FilterConfigEntry | Filter [7+24] |
struct AccelerationLateralCog |
struct AccelerationLongitudinalCog |
struct VelocityVehicle |
Data Fields | |
UINT8 | StatusVelocityNearStandstill |
Velocity Near Standstill Status (Unused) | |
UINT8 | QualifierVelocityVehicle |
VelocityVehicle Qualifier (Unused) | |
UINT8 | VelocityVehicleEventDataQualifier |
Event Data Qualifier VelocityVehicle (Unused) | |
FLOAT32 | VelocityVehicle |
VelocityVehicle (0 ~ 350 km/h) | |
UINT8 | VelocityVehicle_InvalidFlag |
Invalid Flag VelocityVehicle (Unused) | |
char | Reserved [20] |
struct DrivingDirection |
struct YawRate |
Data Fields | |
FLOAT32 | YawRateErrAmp |
Error Amplitude of YawRate (Unused) | |
UINT8 | YawRateErrAmp_Invalid_Flag |
Invalid Flags AccelLatErrAmp (Unused) | |
UINT8 | QualifierYawRate |
YawRate Qualifier (Unused) | |
FLOAT32 | YawRate |
YawRate (-163,84 ~ 163,83 deg/s) | |
UINT8 | YawRate_InvalidFlag |
Invalid Flag Yaw Rate (Unused) | |
UINT8 | YawRateEventDataQualifier |
Event Data Qualifier YawRate (Unused) | |
char | Reserved [20] |
struct SteeringAngleFrontAxle |
Data Fields | |
UINT8 | QualifierSteeringAngleFrontAxle |
SteeringAngleFrontAxle Qualifier (Unused) | |
FLOAT32 | SteeringAngleFrontAxleErrAmp |
Error Amplitude of SteeringAngleFrontAxle (Unused) | |
UINT8 | SteeringAngleFrontAxleErrAmp_InvalidFlag |
Invalid Flag SteeringAngleFrontAxleErrAmp (Unused) | |
FLOAT32 | SteeringAngleFrontAxle |
SteeringAngleFrontAxle (-90 ~ 90 deg) | |
UINT8 | SteeringAngleFrontAxle_InvalidFlag |
Invalid Flag SteeringAngleFrontAxle (Unused) | |
UINT8 | SteeringAngleFrontAxleEventDataQualifier |
Event Data Qualifier SteeringAngleFrontAxle (Unused) | |
char | Reserved [20] |
struct CharacteristicSpeed |
Data Fields | |
UINT8 | CharacteristicSpeedErrAmp |
Error Amplitude of CharacteristicSpeed (Unused) | |
UINT8 | QualifierCharacteristicSpeed |
CharacteristicSpeed Qualifier (Unused) | |
UINT8 | CharacteristicSpeed |
CharacteristicSpeed (0 ~ 255 km/h) | |
char | Reserved [8] |